Thursday, June 16, 2016


The experienced know...your personal Senior Portraits are so much more than just striking poses in front of a camera for an hour. At SSP, the beautiful portrait images is why we're here, but it's the experience that will stay with you. Always. You've been through school for at least thirteen years and this is your time to shine!

The first thing we do after we book the session and pick a date, is ask you to fill out our exclusive, Senior Questionaire. This helps us get to know who you are, what you're into, and a little about who you've become. That will help us help you to pick the perfect location, select just the right attire, and develop the perfect atmosphere in which we will create images that will show the world just who you are!

Then, we'll suggest and discuss several locations we know like the back of our hands and feel would help provide great atmosphere and background areas for stunning images. Then we'll pick a date, put our heads together to help you select just the right attire (usually a couple of outfits, sometimes more) and then...we play!  First, we do the formal, traditional poses to keep the parents happy, and then we get to the fun, playful, wild & crazy pictures that reach in deep and pull out the real you. We'll have your favorite music playing, snacks, water, and the "leave it all on the field", creative attitude that makes this an experience you'll never forget, and producing images you will always cherish!

This is what the SSP Experience is all about. And we can't wait to get yours scheduled. Pop over to our web site (, see some of our work and then give us a call and let's talk!...

Did YOU Know...Your personal Senior Portraits are not the same as your yearbook pictures, and you can choose any photographer you wish to create and capture this once in a lifetime collection? Many students don't know that, nor are they aware there is a vast array of package options available. We encourage you to look at several different area photographers; see their work and the different packages they offer. Our next blog will focus on things you need to know when selecting your senior photographer. Until then, browse around and see what's out there, and what they charge. And since you're here...start with us!...

Final is usually the case, some of the last Senior pics we create in a given school year are pre-Prom shots (OH, you thought we only shot Senior Portraits?  nope!)  It's so much fun, getting a couple of large groups together for some beautiful and very fun shots in the hours of calm before the final Senior Storm. This year was no exception, in particular with Case' and Andrew. Dressed ot the nines and open for anything, they're still trying to decide which part of the night they enjoyed more; their portraits in the park, dinner, the dance itself, or the after party!

                                               (click to see larger images)

That's all for now. Check back in a few days to find all you need to know about how to choose your Senior Portrait Photographer (or click below to subscribe, and we'll send it to you!)  Take care, have a great summer, and keep in touch.  Until then...


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